Whats is truth (Love) and what is not

In the midst of the play of this world that we share, I wanted to extend a loving greeting on this February morning. To shine a little light into your inbox and greet you in your divine magnificence. Thank you for being you, the more ‘You’ that you are, the bigger gift you are to us all. 

To shine the light of our true selves and to be a living example of who we truly are, requires many steps of realisation and confirmation, part of this is discovering everything that we are not, every lie that we have been told and every belief that we have accepted as truth.

Together, we explore ever deepening healing cycles, sometimes we reflect and resonate with the suffering within one another, other times we can shine a wonderfully high and true perspective for one another, in all of this, there is always an invitation, to see what’s really going on, what is truth (Love) and what is not.

We have this saying, that we can only see things from our current perspective and this is true, however, there is always a higher perspective that is totally confirmed, that is all truth, livingness absolute, an unchanging, pure greater vibration. We cannot help but have an inner impulse to move towards it, to return home, because we are that, it is us. It is like a dominant frequency that is always humming, always singing to us, always beckoning us, aligning us to our true selves. Why perhaps, we love the bowls…

Brotherhood, sisterhood, is our way to be the tipping point… for when we are aligned with our truth, we can hold that light for one another, this is the path of service. There is always going to be a higher perspective than the one we can see, it is an infinite journey into the expansion of love that cannot be defined by the mind. A simple word from another that is living in truth, lifts us up into a truer version of ourselves. This is the biggest gift we can give to one another, our peers, our clients, our students, our teachers, our parents, our children our beloveds, for then they can be a living example of their truth and so on.