Reflections - Winter Solstice 2018

I am now taking some time to reflect within the darkest days of Winter to be with my family and friends and celebrate gentle, loving, joyful and nurturing holy days. This year has seen beauty, compassion, healing, clarity, realisation, joy, laughter and LOVE and for this I give thanks.

At the beginning of the year Jayden and I travelled to the walls of the Vatican in Rome and co-created an Album ‘Conception’ with our friends Velka-Sai and Adam Victor. What a magical journey that was and continues to be as we look forward to creating the second album, in a series of seven, next year.

I have had the absolute joy of working alongside Julia whose friendship, commitment, joy and thoughtfulness never stops inspiring me! Burning the candles at both ends, we have continued to uncover the teachings and develop our Crystal Sonic Therapy Training Program. Now in full flow and sharing what we discover in the realms of energetic diagnoses, rebalancing, healing and awakening to the LOVE the we are.

During 2018, I have been asked to play the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for hundreds of people, in yoga studios, yurts, workshops, beautiful and sacred spaces, with my private clients and always with dear friends when ever they pop round for a cup of tea.

I have been a special guest speaker on the International Transformational Sound Therapy Summit and have recently been interviewed by the wonderful and inspirational Elizabeth Peru (which will be available to view online early 2019).

Thank you to the beloved group of souls who have said yes to this alchemical and sonic co-creation; Patricia, Julia, Wendy, Martin, Simon, Jonathan, Sonja, Jane, Gabby (SoundLove) and Lisa :D Thank You!

Thank you to all the many wonderful ‘clients’ I have the privilege of meeting. Each one of you is my teacher. Thank you for your trust in me to be your guide, mentor, companion and healer. I am forever in awe with your commitment to yourselves, your unique healing journey and inner calling to express who you are through the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.

Thank you to all the inspirational students who have joined us in the training program and are now sharing Crystal Sonic Therapy and Sound Baths all around England, Europe and Asia. I am in awe of you and am here for the duration of your healing journey x

Thank you to the beautiful gentle heart that is Natalie, now working alongside me in the North of England to bring the frequencies of the Crystal Singing Bowls to Earth at this transformational time in our evolution for healing and awakening. Natalie Seager is a Crystal Sonic Therapy Practitioner endorsed by CSP (Crystal Sonic Practice) and has just opened a beautiful space in Halifax to share the Crystal Singing Bowls. Natalie houses a beautiful mini-temple where alchemy bowls are available for you to view and buy. Natalie offers one 2 one CST sessions and the most wonderful Crystal Sound Baths for all to enjoy.

To my teachers, my friends and my soul mates - you know who you are and I LOVE YOU! I am eternally grateful for your ongoing support and encouragement x

Love is at the core of my ‘work’, because it is who I am, it is who we all are. Everything that I share with my students and clients, every little post on Instagram and Facebook comes from the expression of LOVE.

To all the beautiful people I have met this year as an overflow of my work as a guide, healer, friend and human being. I see and I celebrate us all as we walk this beautiful journey side by side, hand in hand. As the saying goes… ‘Walking each other home’.

Genevra x