What is Sound Healing?

According to Renee Brodie who writes in Let Light Into Your Heart:

When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body. When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns are restored. There are many methods of healing with sound. Mantras and chants have been used for thousands of years. Many acoustic instruments are used in a variety of ways to effect change. The human voice is perhaps the most powerful musical instrument!

It is now beloved by many that ‘forced resonance’ can be used to restore balance in the body through surmounting imbalanced conditions, if it is understood and used correctly. Every cell in our bodies is a sound resonator; every organ, bone and tissue has a healthy frequency at which it naturally vibrates. When dis-ease sets in, vibrations alter, creating sounds which interfere with the healthy frequency of an organ. We can change the vibratory rate of a body portion back to its natural frequency. Directing specific sounds into the physical body creates balance. The entire energy system is strengthened.11

Fabien Maman, in his book The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century, gives dramatic accounts of the effects of sound on cancer cells, using various acoustic instruments and notes, as well as the human voice. He has incorporated the use of sound, colour and movement in his work, addressing the subtle bodies, where dis-ease is created. (Crystal Tones® 2001)