What is Healing?

For many people, healing is recognised as moving from a state of imbalance into balance within a space of quantifiable and linear time. However, if we look from a more multidimensional perspective and expansive perspective, we can uncover how healing can take place in a very different way. Consider that there is no time, just a constant returning to the same place, a spherical livingness, with each rotation, with each returning to the now, new wisdom and understanding is grounded and integrated. This can happen on an individual level but always effects the collective. Then consider that we are infinite and possibly live through many lifetimes, or go onto a different dimension when we transition. Therefore, healing may not always be quantified through one cycle of life. Seeing as we are talking about circular bowls and motion, it is something to ponder.

Healing is the state of coming into balance and harmony with our highest purpose. Steven Halpern, composer of healing music states, “Our bodies are genetically pre-programmed to be self-healing instruments - if we give them a chance...In my opinion, certain music heals by assisting the body to come into its natural state of balance and harmony. At this stage of research and development, it is both politically incorrect and legally irresponsible to state that a specific selection of music will heal a specific physical disease. [...] The common denominator in the vast majority of approaches acknowledges that the body heals itself most effectively in a state of deep relaxation. Using music to evoke ‘the relaxation response’ is one of the simplest and most effective ways of all - but you must choose the right music...our responses to music are far more complex, subtle and far-reaching than we imagined.” (Notes on Sound, www.innerpeacemusic.com)

Dr. Larry Dossey, well known for his studies on healing with prayer, points out the primary characteristics of ‘healers’ by stating that they make use of a prayerful, meditative state of awareness, adopting a dispassionate, loving, and compassionate attitude toward the person in need. They go beyond the individual self-feeling united with each other and with the All. They have an immense caring and empathy for the person needing healing. “During this state the healer most often does not consider himself or herself to be the source of the healing, but only a conduit through which the healing flows from a loving higher power.” Healing Words, p.198.

(Crystal Tones® 2001)