What is Colour?
“There is more energy released in Sunrise and Sunset and times of rainbows than perhaps in any other way.”
Ronald P. Beesley, Creative Ethers
We are all drawn to different colours at different times in the day, year and in our life. Often when we feel drawn to particular colours, our bodies are telling us what we need to receive the vibration of. Everyone is unique, one may be drawn to Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls that are clear, smooth and pink, another to one that is deep blue, textured and opaque. Sometimes the Alchemies that we feel a very strong connection to, are not always what we have become identified with ‘liking’.
Renee Brodie talks about colour extensively. Below are a few quotes you may find interesting:
The Sun gives forth emissions of particles and wavelengths. We in turn have been given the gift of sight, to interpret and convert these particles and wavelengths into colour thus turning the earth’s grey forms into a profusion of colour that permeates and transforms our Being, bringing life and joy into our lives.
When light enters the eye it strikes the special cones at the back of the retina, where the wavelengths are converted to colour and sent on to the brain. These in turn trigger the release of hormones that can influence moods and activities such as heart rate and breathing. We also receive colour through the etheric aura (home of the chakras). The importance of colour cannot be overstated-it can have a deep psychological effect on us.
By our ability to take the life-giving energy from the Sun and convert it to colour and healing energy, we can uplift our spirits and transform our lives. Refraction by a prism reveals all the individual colour components of white light that can be used singly or in combination to heal our bodies.
-The Sun’s energy is essential to our wellbeing, bringing us colour and light to sustain us; without it we cannot exist.
-Colour is omnipresent. We enjoy in Nature spectacular sunrises, sunsets and rainbows, and absorb the greater energy available at those times.
-Colour influences our attitudes, feelings and thoughts, for example, love = Pink; anger excitement/passion = Red; studiousness = Yellow; peacefulness = Blue. Colour has enormous influence on our lives, often manifesting itself subconsciously at a deep soul level.
Those who have studied colour in depth say that colour (as well as sound and fragrance) will be very important in the Age of Aquarius, that we will discover how vital these factors are, and that colour feeds us on every level of our Being. ( Brodie, R. Let Light Into Your Heart, (BC, Canada: Aroma Art Ltd., 2001). P82 (out of print).
To bear fruit on all the levels-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - we have to use all colours. How you feel about colours tells much about yourself. Do you have an aversion to Orange, for example? The best state is where you are comfortable with all colours and have no aversion to any colour. You can then use the full spectrum to advantage.
Sometimes particular colours can make us feel uncomfortable. Clothing materials act as filters, so our body receives colour.
We are here to spiritualise matter, and Light cannot come through us until we are clearer prisms. Dis-ease manifests when we are cloudy. Our purpose is to become the perfect rainbow and we have a daily choice, every morning.
At the height of the Egyptian civilisation, priests linked into the highest aspects of the Red and Yellow rays - representing love and wisdom. Today we are working through the Green rays, to bring harmony and peace. Soon humanity will move into the knowledge of the deeper rays of Blue-for the soul. There will be peace as we work our way up the ladder of colour. (Brodie, R. Let Light Into Your Heart, (BC, Canada: Aroma Art Ltd., 2001). P83 (out of print).
Renee Brodie writes about white light, “The White Ray is a great purifier and cleanser. It shines as all colours together in a powerful way. When we add White to other colours, we purify them into what are called ‘tints’. The colours become softer and take on more enlightened qualities.
White alone shows us our imperfections. Too much Whiteness can make us feel uncomfortable and we need other colours to soften our environment and remind us that we are human-perfect in our imperfection.
We need only look at a waterfall or a snow-capped mountaintop to recognise the pure cleansing quality and the power of white.” (Brodie, R. Let Light Into Your Heart, (BC, Canada: Aroma Art Ltd., 2001). P45 (out of print).