Space Clearing CSP Techniques

How to change the vibration of your environment to create a space for optimal living and working

The Practitioner Bowl® Series is excellent for use in Feng Shui practices and cures, as their extended resonance allows for maximum penetration of the space with cleansing sound vibrations. If you do not have a practitioner bowl, hold your Alchemy bowl carefully in the palm of your hand, fingers spread out to allow the weight of the bowl to be distributed across your hand. 

To perform a space clearing, stand in the centre of the room and tone the bowl by striking it firmly, yet gently, with the mallet. Raise the level of vibration by moving the mallet firmly around the rim of the bowl, until you have a strong resonant tone to begin working with. Be careful not to play the bowl too loudly as they can shatter from the vibration. When you have a good tone sounding, you can begin by spiralling outward from the centre of the room, directing the sound into all areas of the space, especially corners of the walls, ceilings, and dark areas or alcoves where chi energy can get ‘stuck’. 

Sound the bowl at regular intervals to keep the tone resonating. While you are sounding the bowl, focus your intent on clearing the space energetically, and leaving only fresh energetic chi in the room. You may wish to symbolically ‘sweep’ the stagnant energy out of the nearest door or window by sounding the bowl until you have ‘swept’ all the stale energy outside to dissipate. 

An added advantage of the Alchemy bowls, is that unlike ordinary containers or bowls which may be used for Feng Shui purposes, the Alchemy bowls are tuned to specific harmonic frequencies that can be used with intention to help enhance specific qualities. For instance, you could place a Rose Quartz in the Relationship area of your home to help open yourself to love and to create a feeling of tranquility in your relationship with a loved one. Then while toning the bowl, you could enhance the energy vibrations of that area by focusing your intention on your relationship. There are so many possible combinations and uses that it would be impossible to list them all!

We recommend a qualified Feng Shui consultant, an Alchemy specialist or some good reference books to assist you in placing your crystal singing bowl in the most auspicious locations for you. 

(Crystal Tones 2001)