Signs of Release
These are ways the body releases negative energy. When you are giving a Crystal Sonic Therapy session, it is important to look for any signs of release within your client or yourself.
Note which bowl you are playing when you see signs of release, this is a good indication as to where the bowl is having a strong effect, this may be something you choose to mention at the end of the session.
Gulping - Indicates that negative energy is rising and being released from the throat.
Fingers twitching - Indicates that energy is flowing into and/or out of the client (this is good as it shows the client has no energy blockages).
Crying - Indicates a strong release of heavy energy.
Stomach rumbling - Indicates a clearing of heavy energy (usually emotional pain).
Sighing - Indicates a release of stress and tension.
Yawning, Burping, Cough/Sneeze - Indicates a release of heavy energy, (unless you or your friend or family member has a cold or hay fever).
Laughing/Giggling - Indicates a strong release of negative energy (usually emotional pain).
All of these signs of release will pass in their own time but if you feel unsure, you can play a deeper note to ground the energy.
Communicate with your friend or family member if you feel concerned for their comfort and well-being. Ensure that when you check in, your voice is gentle and confident
If you are still unsure you can stop playing and just let the sounds come to a natural completion, allowing for silence to follow for a few moments