Setting up space for personal use and working with others

Please make sure you have read and understood the precautions and contraindications before agreeing to give someone a crystal sonic therapy session or proceeding to set up space.

Always be mindful in the presence of the bowls. Tread carefully around them and do your best to create a playing area that keeps them safe from accidental damage.

Remove or tuck in any jewellery that may knock against a bowl, especially long necklaces, bracelets and large rings. 

Creating a sacred space for relaxation, recuperation and healing is essential. Clear, clutter free, gently lit, un-stuffy, warm and comfortable is ideal. If this is not possible, ensure that you perform a space clearing (page 23) with the crystal singing bowls themselves before you begin. 

Good personal hygiene is important and try to avoid wearing heavy perfume that may distract the other person from feeling able to relax into the session. Atmosphere should be clean smelling and pleasant.

Some people like to use sage, palo santo, candles, incense and aromatherapy oils during therapeutic sessions. We cannot advise on this, but highly recommend you are fully aware of Health & Safety and their contraindications.

Make sure you are ready and prepared before you begin. Have water available for you and whoever you are playing for. (Playing the Crystal Singing Bowls is thirsty work!) 

Create a space where you will be comfortable either sitting or standing. Arrange your bowls in a set up with plenty of space around them, centred on their o-rings and on a stable surface or the floor. 

Do not place your bowls in a position where you or someone else is likely to trip up or knock them over. 

Have an awareness of your posture, before and during the session. 

Do not bend down over the bowls if you don’t have to (your back will thank you!) Look after your body and have an awareness of how you are holding posture. It is better to find your comfort spot before you begin so you can default to that position as the treatment starts.

Have your mallets to hand and anything else you might need during the session. 

Most people feel more comfortable laying on the floor (on a yoga mat or futon etc.) to receive sound healing. The bowls’ vibrations can be felt more physically on the floor which can be pleasing to a lot of people creating more of a sensory experience. However, not everyone is physically able to get onto the floor or get up off the floor. 

The other options are: 

Playing to someone standing

When playing the bowls, stand in front of the person and play the bowl at a height level that is comfortable and easy for you. Usually this is the heart/belly level. If you are going to walk around the person and play the bowl in other areas, (around ears, third eye etc.) please ensure you have the space to do so. Go slowly and always ask if this is okay. Only work in this way if you are confident and comfortable holding the bowl.

Playing to someone seated

Sometimes it is more comfortable or convenient to have someone sitting down. You may not be able to seemingly ‘reach’ everywhere, the sound finds its own destination and will travel where needed. From this position you may wish to play the bowls in situ on the floor. Once again, only work in this way if you are confident and comfortable holding the bowl.

Playing to someone on a bed, couch or massage table 

Please ensure this set up is assessed with health and safety in mind to avoid any accidents. If you have a therapy couch, ensure it is the correct height and the legs are fixed in position. Sometimes you may need a step to assist someone getting onto or off of the couch.

Placing the bowls on the body (please refer to Contraindications and Precautions).

Some people feel cold during a healing session, have a blanket to hand that they can pop over themselves if they wish to. Also, some people feel vulnerable lying down and prefer a blanket even if they are not cold.

After the session has finished, wash you hands to break the link between yourself and the person, tidy up your space and put your bowls away. Open a window and let the fresh air and light in.