Facilitate a session (Clearing, harmonising and Balancing)
for Friends and Family
Crystal sound effects us on many levels that we might not be able to perceive from our current state of perception/being. It is true to say that we cannot always help others to heal in a way we or they may want. The crystal frequencies work on multiple levels but there is always a freedom of choice, personal will, karma and life paths to walk. We each have an opportunity to decide upon, work through and resolve the lessons that we have come into this life with. That being said, there is such a thing as Divine Grace, spontaneous healing and swift transformation.
Before you begin:
You are personally responsible for your own conduct and the safety of your friend or family member to whom you are giving a Crystal Sound Session. (Refer to Precautions and Contraindications)
Make sure that the receiver is aware that you are not insured to practice professionally at this stage of training
State any personal boundaries or expectations necessary. (Remember best practice, sensations that they may experience, that you will have a few minutes at the end in silence and you will let them know when the session is complete)
Find out if there are any contraindications that would apply to your friends and family before agreeing to play the bowls for them
Set up a sacred space
Ensure your friend or family member is in a comfortable position, with a pillow if required. (A blanket or cushion under their knees can release pressure from the lower back). Have a clean blanket to offer and keep it close by them should they wish to use it during the session
Place the bowls in positions that are comfortable for you to play
Be sure they are a safe distance away from the receivers head 12” minimum. If you are playing more than one bowl ensure they have space of at least 12” between each other as the intense vibrations may shatter them
Suggest that if someone is uncomfortable during the session, they can move, open their eyes. They should feel safe to communicate verbally if they wish.
Explain to your friends or family members what they might experience during the crystal sound session:
Visuals of images, memories, colours etc.
Senses can become heightened
Sensation of weightlessness
Deep relaxation
Busy mind and lots of thoughts
Sensations in the body
Signs of release
Keep your eyes open and remain present at all times during the session.
When you begin:
Ask the receiver what they would like to address in this session. They can say this out loud or internally. Let them decide.
Suggest the receiver closes their eyes, (if they feel comfortable doing this), so as to go inward and experience a deeper sense of surrender.
Bring your awareness to your own breath and body, breathe gently and come into conscious presence.
Select a bowl that feels very settling and play it to begin.
For you as the practitioner, you can use the motion of gently striking the bowl with an intension to release expectations and surrender.
Enjoy moments of silence amongst the sound
You will be using your awareness to perceive when the energy in the space of you, the person you are playing for, and the space in-between, feels settled and grounded. As you work more frequently with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls in presence, your perception will increase, awareness deepen, movements and flow will become more refined.
During the session;
Have an awareness of signs of release
Listen to the sound of the bowls for any subtle changes in their quality (muffled, denser, note change, quiver etc.) and wait until the sound has become clear, smooth, light and rhythmic, keep returning to your awareness of yourself breathing gently into and inhabiting you whole body.
Remember your advanced playing techniques: sensitivity, listening, awareness, connection, the movement of sound and the effect it has on both you and the recipient
Be mindful of any visions and sensations that you may choose to share with the receiver at the end of the session
Return to the bowl that you began with and play for 3-5 minutes free expand out your awareness into the room.
When it’s the right moment, place the mallet gently down and let the sounds then journey into silence.
If the receiver is on a mat, bed, couch or massage table, suggest the receiver lifts their knees so they have their feet on the floor. Should they find this movement difficult or be seated, ask them to wiggle their toes.
Drop your chin an inch towards your chest to bring comfort and settlement.
Bring your awareness to your breath.
Stretch your legs, body if you need to.
Enjoy the silence if it prevails, then gently tell the receiver that the session has completed and when they are ready they can open their eyes and stretch and move if they need too.
If you are able to, allow space should the person you are working with wish to express anything and equally share space if they wish to just have silence or time to process by themselves.
Offer water and make sure they are fully present and awake before they stand up and/or leave.