The Mother Earth Guardian set brings the voice of her ancient wisdom to sit by our inner sacred fire. In a container of Love, the spirals of sonic light weave through the body, awakening particles of wisdom that enable us to connect ever more deeply, in an evolving relationship, with all that appears in our world. The frequency of gold, iron and charcoal ignite, purify and cleanse the body, the Earth and Fire elements help to ground and transmute denser vibrations of energy. The song of the vessels express the wisdom of the land, urging us to know who we are, to walk with Love and authority between the dimensions and to shine the light as All the children of the universe make their way home.
Alchemical Quartz Blends:
Mt. Shasta Serpentine Sedona Red Rock Mother of Platinum Alchemy™ 6” C+5 TT440 (Soul Star)
Charcoal Grandfather Alchemy™ 9” C-10 TT440 (Foundation/Grounding)
Sedona Red Rock Palladium Alchemy™ 9” D#+15 (Adrendal Gland)
Sedona Red Rock Alchemy™ 8” F+10 TT440 (Heart/Love)
Tesseract Salt Lemon Aura Gold Alchemy™ 12” F-10 TT440 (Heart/Love)
Numerology: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
Elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air & Ether
Astrology: Aries, Cancer & Virgo
2 x Suede Mallet
1 x Silicon and Glass Wand
1 x Zen Mallet
I x Clear to Light Clearing Essence
1 x 12” Crystal Tones® Bespoke Carry Case
1 x 9” Crystal Tones® Bespoke Carry Case
Online Guide - How to play and take care of your new Alchemies™
£11,700 inc. VAT @ 20%
£9760 excl. VAT
Available to purchase online or at the Temple of Alchemies, Greenwich, London. For alchemy consultancy appointments, click here