Listen and be heard, support and be held, witness and be seen, inspire and be inspired.
Our bi-monthly gathering will take place in circle surrounded by a grid of incredible crystalline energy that amplifies our collective healing and evolution. When we sit in circle heart to heart soul to soul much can come into the light for one and for all. We honour this time to come together to offer our support, reflection, space to be witnessed and grow a community that is truly found in the heart.
The first gathering takes place over 3 bi-monthly Saturday sessions that span over a 6 month period commencing January 2020.
You are also invited to join us in July for our next 3 bi-monthly Saturday sessions if it feels helpful for your professional practice and personal journey, commencing July 2020.
**This gathering is open to anyone who has successfully completed their Crystal Sonic Therapy Practitioner Training Level 2 with the Crystal Sonic Practice.**
(Includes your space in 3 bi-monthly closed group sessions)
2020 Dates:
First Gathering Sessions
January 18th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
March 14th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
May 16th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
Second Gathering Sessions
July 18th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
September 12th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
November 14th Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
Doors will open at 13:45 please arrive on time as we cannot grant entry once our session has begun.