The Endocrine System and Associated Frequencies
The endocrine glands can be said to represent a connection between the energetic nature of the chakras and the physical and physiological functions of the body.
Chakra / Organs
Sexual & Reproductive (Ovaries & Testes) C#
Adrenals D#
Pancreas E
Thymus (Higher Heart) F#
Thyroid & Parathyroid G#
Zeal Point G#
Hypothalamus A
Pituitary A
Pineal A#
Other Chakras
Thymus: Or ‘Higher Heart’ or ‘Ascended Heart’ chakra and ‘The Zeal’ Point chakra in the newly awakened category.
Zeal Point: Also called the The Well of Dreams, is located at the base of the head where the brain stem (the medulla oblongata) meet the spine or the nape of the neck.
There are more energy pathways and centres being re-discovered as we, as a species, are becoming more sensitive.
We have shared the above about the endocrine system and their relationship to us, based on the current understanding and overall consensus from sound healing professionals worldwide. However, like the universe, our work with the Alchemy bowls is always expanding. As new understanding of the effect of the bowls on our body and energetic system unfolds, we will deliver updated workshops and online presentations.