Nurturing a deeper relationship with the physical realms through awareness and gentle movement, meeting any internal motion with Love and kindness. Love is an embodiment of the eternal truth, universal wisdom expressed. These harmonic alchemical frequencies remind us of Peace, of the innate knowledge we have access to and from where we originate. From the space of peace and presence, eternal love blossoms within. The ageless, timeless you, sees with incredible clarity and is guided by that alone. Inspiring others to listen to their inner knowing and remember who they are.
Alchemical Quartz Blends:
Charcoal St Germain Sky (inside) Alchemy™ 7” B+45 (Crown)
Pink Aura Gold Alchemy™ 9” B+35 (Grounding/Crown)
Palladium Platinum Alchemy™ 7” F#+50 (Higher Heart/Thymus)
Numerology: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
Elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Ether
Astrology: Pisces & Libra
2 x Suede Mallet
1 x Silicon and Glass Wand
1 x Zen Mallet
I x Clear to Light Clearing Essence
1 x 9” Double Stack Crystal Tones® Bespoke Carry Case
Online Guide - How to play and take care of your new Alchemies™
Price UK £5340 inc. VAT @ 20%
Price Europe/World £4450 excl. VAT
Available to purchase online or at the Temple of Alchemies, Greenwich, London. For alchemy consultancy appointments, click here