Q. Which Crystal Transmission™ should I begin with?

A. Simply be guided by your intuition for which Crystal Transmission™ to listen to as there is no particular order to download the transmissions.


Q. What is the best way to listen to the Crystal Transmissions™?

A.  Set aside half an hour at home when you will not be disturbed, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Download the file and open it up - close down other windows you have open (notification beeps may disturb you if you go into a peaceful place) make it fill the screen.

Listen through good speakers or pop some headphones on, adjust the volume to your comfort.

Before it begins just check in with yourself, 'How am I feeling right now?'

Noticing your body, emotions and thoughts.

Have a simple awareness of yourself during the transmission, any resistance, feelings, movement, changes in state of mind, body or emotion. Close your eyes if you wish and don't worry to stay awake.

Once the transmission is complete, take a deep breath and drink some water.

Then once again just check in with yourself, 'How am I feeling now?'


Q. Why do you recommend using headphones?

A.  We recommend using headphones specifically when listening to the Binaural Transmission.  Headphones deliver slightly different sound frequencies to the left and right ears. The difference between the two is a certain frequency which corresponds to one of the brainwave states. If you don't listen with headphones, the binaural beats are ineffective.  Also, the sound tracks are carefully crafted so that by listening with headphones, the full intimate experience unfolds with reduced distractions.


Q. Are there any situations where I shouldn't use your programs?

A.  Please do not drive or operate safety critical equipment  during or after watching a Crystal Singing Bowls Video or listening to one of our audio tracks, until you feel grounded. Please also see the answer to the following question.


Q.  Are there any dangers from using Crystal Singing Bowl AudioVisual Transmissions?


  • Please seek advice about using Crystal Singing Bowls AudioVisual Transmissions if you are pregnant, wear a pacemaker, are photosensitive, prone to seizures or epilepsy, have a serious mental disorder, or are under the influence of medication.

  • Some neurologists have advised caution for use under the age of 26, as the brain is still developing.

  • Please do not drive a car or operate safety critical equipment after Crystal Singing Bowls AudioVisual Transmissions, until you feel grounded.

  • Gamma brainwaves can cause anxiety in people who already have high levels of Beta brainwaves. It is advised to increase listening to Gamma in steady increments over time.


Q. Do you offer emotional support?

A.  We do not offer emotional or psychological support. While the content of some transmissions overlaps with conditions for which some people may seek medical or psychological support, we do not offer these services. We do encourage anyone feeling the need for specialist help to seek it, and to relate to this material as additional self help support that can be used alongside professional individual care.


Q. I have poor Internet connection, will I be able to watch the films?

A.   Streaming depends on decent data transfer rates. This varies from place to place. If you can steam video from YouTube, Netflix, Vimeo or other content providers then you are very likely to be able to watch these films via streaming. You can check this during your free 2 day trial.


Q. Can I stream to a computer or mobile device?

A.  You can watch them on all devices that are Wifi enabled apart from the original iPads.


Q. What currencies can I pay in?

A.  It is possible to pay in US Dollars, Euros, and UK Pounds. Click here to be directed to Luminous Mind™ website where all three currencies are accepted.


Q. How do I access the library?

A.  Once your card/Paypal details have been accepted, you will be immediately redirected to a web page where the content is available 24/7. You will also receive an email with login details for future visits. Please keep this safe for future use.


Q. Can I pay with credit or debit card?

A.  Yes. The payment window will give you options to pay with a Paypal account or your credit or debit cards.

Q. Will these packages make me feel permanently happy or liberated?

A.  Everyone is different and not everything works for everybody. We all have different combinations of qualities and tendencies in our individual mix that help and hinder us. This means that on this website, individual predictions can't be made or promised. What we can say is that genuinely wanting to let go relax and receive is a key step to making change possible. We also recommend you to have modest expectations in each moment and simply attend to the narration whole-heartedly. The big picture will take care of itself if you do each step fully.