The chakras and Associated Frequencies

Many people have experienced, learned or developed an understanding of different energy systems in the body such as the Meridians, the Nadi’s and the Chakras. It is a mainstream sound healing teaching that each of the different musical notes; C,D,E,F,G,A,B correlate with one of the chakras and that when played can have an influence on them to, offering a clearing and a rebalancing.

This is most certainly worth exploring for yourself as there is so much information ‘out there’ on this subject, some of which has been uncovered and/or translated from old writtings, spiritual beliefs and even some philosophy, though much is also contradictory.

Because of this it is a highly debatable subject and although it is taught in mainstream sound healing schools, it is subjective and a persons experience with sound and how it effects their body, will be dependent on many variables and is usually unique for them.

Because we are multidimensional beings, that have intuition, clairsentience abilities and an undeniably deep and somewhat ancient relationship with the unseen world, before a crystal singing bowl is even played, the energy that comes before it is played will have an impact what we receive, how we receive it, how we respond or react to it and so on…regardless of and/or in addition to the frequency of the note itself.